Few flowers offer such vibrant color and varied form as Dahlias. They come in every color (including many combinations) except true blue, but it's the diversity of flower and plant form that is really remarkable. Flowers, both big (more than 8 inches across) and small, come in singles and doubles, frilly cactus form, ball-shaped, pompons, daisy-like anemone and many more. They are wonderful cut flowers. Plants range from small and compact to more than 6 feet high and fill almost any garden role.
Dahlias are tuberous perennials that are planted after the last frost. They grow best with full sun, well-drained soil and regular watering. Taller types need staking. In most areas, Dahlias are best dug up in fall and stored until the following spring. For more information on Dahlias, visit The American Dahlia Society.