
Termites are wood-feeding insects that cause significant amounts of damage to property all over the country. Although there are about 45 species of termites, ranging in color from black/brown to red/yellow, the most common Termites are white and wingless. One particular termite, the Drywood Termite, leaves small brown fecal pellets near the entry holes of wood.


Termites are classified into three types in the United States:

Subterranean Termites cause more structural damage to homes and buildings than any other insect. They build extensive tubes out of mud that run from an underground nest to a wood source. They can live in colonies as deep as 5 feet below the ground and their nests always contain soil. Random dark, cut-up, blistered areas in your flooring or other wood furniture is a sign you could have these termites. They are found in the entire U.S.

Drywood Termites are found in the South and West, and prefer dry wood. They also like to feed on some roots of plants and weakened tree branches.

Dampwood Termites live in the West and southern Florida and only infest/damage damp, moist wood. Their primary feeding time is dusk. 

Cultural Solutions

  • Control moisture in crawl spaces and increase ventilation.
  • Keep wood piles away from the home.
  • Fix water leaks immediately — shingles, faucets, gutters, leaky toilets, flashing, etc.