Fleas are small, biting pests, about ⅛ inch long that leave irritable, nasty sores on their hosts, including people and pets.
These reddish-brown, wingless insects are found in lawns and have piercing-sucking mouthparts, which they use to bite and obtain blood from their hosts. These bites can develop into rashes for some people. Fleas are also capable of transmitting several diseases. Under some conditions, Fleas can live up to two years, and their eggs and larvae can hide in everyday household items like beds, carpets, etc. Fleas are most commonly spread by infested animals.
Controlling Fleas takes persistence and can include diligent sanitation both indoors and outdoors, insecticide treatments inside and outside (including areas where pets frequent, especially kennels, bedding areas, and nearby vegetation) and appropriate treatments on pets.
Fleas are found throughout the United States.
Cultural Solutions
- Sanitation is very important. If you suspect Fleas, vacuum rugs, carpets and floors frequently, at least several times a week. Thoroughly clean other areas where Fleas may congregate.
- Empty and dispose collected dirt and debris of vacuum cleaners after each use so any eggs that are also collected do not remain to re-infest.
- Keep animal bedding clean.