5-In-1 Weed & Feed
5-In-1 Weed & Feed
Key Features
Season of Usage
Where to Use
When to Use
Availability Regions
Misc. Kill List
How to Use

Kills Tough Weeds
Control over 200 broadleaf lawn weeds like Dandelion, Chickweed, and Clover.

Prevents New Weeds Up To 6 Months
Create a protective weed barrier in your lawn that keeps new weeds from emerging.

Kills Large Crabgrass
Kills existing Crabgrass, along with other grassy lawn weeds like Goosegrass, Sprangletop, and Wild Onion.

Prevents Crabgrass Up To 6 Months
Keep new Crabgrass from emerging, and stop worrying about when to apply a Crabgrass preventer.

Greens Up to 3 Months
Feeds, greens, and strengthen lawns.

Key Features
One Blue Bag is all you need! It kills lawn weeds. It prevents new weeds. It kills crabgrass. And prevents new crabgrass. Plus, it feeds and greens up to 3 months.
- Kills tough broadleaf weeds
- Prevents new broadleaf weeds - up to 6 months
- Kills large Crabgrass1
- Prevents new Crabgrass - up to 6 months
- Greens up to 3 months
- Use only on established lawns of the following turf types: Fescue, Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, Kentucky Bluegrass, Ryegrass, Seashore Paspalum and Zoysia
1-Including hairy, smooth and other types of Crabgrass
Season of Usage
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall
Where to Use
- Use only on established lawns of the following turf types: Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrass, fescue, seashore paspalum and zoysia.
- Do not use on bahiagrass, carpetgrass, annual bluegrass (poa annua), bentgrass, centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass (including Floratam) or dichondra.
When to Use
- May be applied as a single application or split applications in the spring and early summer or fall no closer than 30 days after the initial application
- Apply in spring after the lawn is actively growing and has been mowed 2 times
- Apply in fall no closer than (2 - 6 weeks) before the first historical frost date for your area
- For grassy weeds such as crabgrass, apply in spring and/or early summer
- For best results, apply two weeks before anticipated weed seed germination or when weeds are small and actively growing (when crabgrass is emerging and is visible in thin turf areas)
- For broadleaf weed control, apply in spring and fall
- Apply when the air is calm to avoid drift onto desirable plants
- Apply when temperatures are between 50 degrees F and 90 degrees F, and not above 85 degrees F on Bermudagrass
Active ingredients
- 0.818% 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
- 0.419% Quinclorac
- 0.073% Dicamba
- 0.240% Dithiopyr
Availability Regions
Not for sale in FL, HI & NY.
Coverage Area
4,000 Sq Ft
Spreader Settings
Weed Kill List
- Bitterweed
- Black Medic
- Black-eyed Susan
- Chickweed, Common
- Clovers
- Crabgrass
- Creeping Charlie
- Dandelion
- Dichondra
- Foxtail
- Goosegrass
- Ground Ivy
- Lespedeza
- Oxalis
- Sowthistle
- Spurge
- Thistle
- Virginia Creeper
- Wild Onion
- Woodsorrel
Use rotary or drop type spreader to apply granules evenly over the lawn. To be sure to cover your lawn areas uniformly, first treat the border of the lawn then fill in the center. Make parallel passes, walking at a steady pace to ensure even distribution of the granules.
If using a broadcast or rotary spreader, make sure each strip overlaps the previous strip to ensure complete coverage. If using a drop spreader, make sure the wheels overlap the wheel marks in the grass from the previous strip to ensure complete coverage.
Sweep, brush, or blow any accidentally applied material off driveways, sidewalks etc. back on to the lawn.
After application, treated weeds may turn a slight purple color which is an indication that the herbicide is working.
In spring, mow 2 times before applying. Apply granules evenly over lawn by treating lawn borders then filling in the center. Make parallel passes walking at a steady pace.
How do you use 5in1 Weed & Feed?
Step 1: Adjust spreader to proper settings. See spreader settings.
Step 2: Place spreader on a hard surface (driveway or patio) and add enough fertilizer to cover the area to be treated. Sweep up any spills and add the spilled material to the spreader or back into the bag.
Step 3: Apply granules evenly over the lawn, starting with the border of the lawn and then move inward to fill the center. See illustrations on the back of the package for tips on how to apply BioAdvanced™ 5in1 Weed & Feed with your spreader type.
Step 4: Sweep, brush or blow excess material off of driveways, sidewalks, etc. and back onto the lawn.
Step 5: Pour leftover fertilizer back in the bag. Tightly close original bag and store in a cool, dry place.
On what types of turf can 5in1 Weed & Feed be applied?
Use this product only on established lawns of the following turf types: Bermudagrass, Fescue, Zoysiagrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Ryegrass, Buffalograss and Seashore Paspalum. Application to Bermudagrass may cause temporary yellowing or discoloration but full recovery can be expected. DO NOT use on St. Augustinegrass (including Floratam variety), Bahiagrass, Carpetgrass, Centipedegrass or Dichondra.
When do I apply 5in1 Weed & Feed?
This product can be applied to actively growing turf in the spring, summer or fall. For best results, apply when listed weeds are actively growing, or when Crabgrass is emerging in spring. Apply when temperatures are between 50-90ºF, and not above 85ºF on Bermudagrass.
How much coverage does a bag cover?
- The 9.6 lb. Granules treat up to 4,000 sq. ft. of lawn
- The 24 lb. Granules treat up to 10,000 sq. ft. of lawn
What are the recommended spreader settings?
There are two types of spreaders designed for applying lawn fertilizer granules: broadcast (aka rotary) and drop. When applying BioAdvanced™ 5in1 Weed & Feed using a broadcast spreader setting, make sure each strip overlaps the previous strip to ensure complete coverage. When applying 5in1 Weed & Feed using a drop spreader setting, make sure the wheels overlap the wheel marks in the grass from the previous strip to ensure complete coverage.
NOTE: Do not use a spreader that applies granules in narrow, concentrated or uneven bands. Settings are approximate. The condition of your spreader, the speed at which you walk and uneven terrain may affect the rate of application. Calibrate your spreader according to manufacturer’s directions.
How quickly will I see results?
This product contains three proven weed killers to kill and control listed lawn weeds and Crabgrass, roots and all. Weeds begin to die in hours and die completely in 14-28 days.
How often should I apply?
Do not make more than two applications per site in any 12-month period.
Will 5in1 Weed & Feed burn my lawn?
This product will not harm your lawn when used as directed.
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